WifiForward Launches Second Annual #WiFiAtWork Awards — Nominate Today!

Last year, WifiForward created the Wi-Fi At Work Awards to highlight all the good that Wi-Fi has done across the country. The awards honored individuals and organizations who used Wi-Fi in creative ways to bring relief through connectivity to their communities during the pandemic. 

In the end, we honored 16 awardees who all did amazing work to connect communities across the U.S. — from equipping vaccine centers with Wi-Fi overnight to distributing thousands of hotspots. We also hosted a webinar, wrote a blog, featured winners each week on Twitter and more. 

This year, we are excited to continue and expand these awards. This year, we open nominations to individuals and organizations for the following two categories:

  • Wi-Fi At Work Award: Community Connectivity Superhero
  • Wi-Fi At Work Award: Wi-Fi Policy Champion

Like last year’s awardees, the Community Connectivity Superhero award will highlight the incredible work organizations have done to connect their communities. New this year, the Wi-Fi Policy Champion award will recognize policymakers and staffers who have not only committed to closing the digital divide but have taken action to tackle the issue at local, state and/or federal levels.

Follow us on Twitter, @WifiForward, and check out #WiFiAtWork to keep abreast of relevant information about the awards and milestones, such as nominations deadlines, announcements and more!

Please note that the nominations deadline is April 29. We encourage you to submit a nominee (or nominees) for consideration early.

For more on the awards and how you can nominate yourself, an individual or an organization that has gone above and beyond, visit our nomination page.