When making spectrum allocation decisions, policymakers should see through Big Mobile’s disingenuous, self-serving attacks on Wi-Fi and look to the facts.
Contrary to the Big Three’s – AT&T, Verizon, and T-Mobile – misleading talking points, consumers have shown a clear preference for Wi-Fi over cellular networks. In fact, nearly 90% of data traffic on mobile devices – including those used by the vast majority of Big Mobile’s customers – is carried over Wi-Fi. What’s more, consumer demand for existing and new Wi-Fi uses is booming, with the number of Wi-Fi-enabled devices in North America projected to increase 288% in the next four years alone.
We look forward to continued conversations with policymakers to debunk false claims made by cellular giants. Together, we can ensure U.S. spectrum policy reflects the realities of consumer preference today and for years to come, and that Wi-Fi has access to the unlicensed spectrum it needs to continue supporting consumers and meet skyrocketing demand, including the vast majority of usage by Big Mobile’s own customers.