STATEMENT: WifiForward Commends House Energy and Commerce for Making Spectrum an Early Priority

Washington, DC – WifiForward released the following statement on the House Energy & Commerce Subcommittee on Communications and Technology hearing, “Strengthening American Leadership in Wireless Technology:”

“Wi-Fi is the workhorse of the internet and a necessity in Americans’ daily lives, powering connectivity at home, at work, in classrooms, at stadiums, on planes, and more. Wi-Fi’s ubiquity is an American success story, with annual U.S. economic value reaching $2.4 trillion by 2027.

“Despite inaccurate claims by the Big 3, the facts remain that Wi-Fi carries up to 90% of all mobile data traffic, including the Big 3’s traffic—and demand for Wi-Fi devices is projected to increase 288% in the next five years alone. Granting unlicensed, shared access to the 7 GHz band would ensure America can keep up with skyrocketing consumer demand, allow the full economic benefits of Wi-Fi to be realized, and open the door for the next generation of innovative technologies.

“WifiForward appreciates the Committee’s consideration of spectrum policies early in the 119thCongress, and we look forward to continued collaboration with policymakers on these critical issues.”
