HTTP Commends WiFiForward Examining Latinos in New Study


WASHINGTON, D.C. – January 23, 2015- The Hispanic Technology and Telecommunications Partnership (HTTP) commends WifiForward for their examination of Wi-Fi connectivity and the importance of reducing signal bottlenecks for minority communities. The report found Latinos and African Americans use publicly available Wi-Fi more frequently than white Americans to connect in the home and outside the home in libraries, schools, and community centers. It also found that minority communities frequently use Wi-Fi for leisure and employment.

The study confirms that since Latinos use Wi-Fi enabled smartphones to access broadband, increasing spectrum for Wi-Fi connectivity would have a positive impact for minority communities.

“HTTP applauds WifiForward, John Horrigan and Jason Llorenz for their work to quantify the importance of broadband and Wi-Fi to the Latino community. For years we have known Latino use of smartphones far exceeds that of their white counterparts. Today’s data demonstrates that next generation Wi-Fi technology is critical to connecting our community.  We look forward to continuing our partnership with WiFiForward to explore how technology can deliver real benefits to the Latino community” said Martin Chavez, senior advisor to HTTP.

“Ensuring Latinos have full access to broadband to benefit and contribute to our Internet-driven society is HTTP’s top priority. Our focus on Internet policy stems from our core belief that increased access results in better job, healthcare, and educational opportunities for the Latino community. We will continue to advocate for greater Latino inclusion in this Internet age,” said Rosa Mendoza, HTTP executive director.


For more information on this topic, please email Rosa Mendoza at