Fast & Reliable Wi-Fi for America through Unlicensed 6 GHz Spectrum Sharing

In the midst of this national emergency, millions of Americans are relying on high-speed internet to remain connected while staying home. And because most devices are wireless, fast and reliable Wi-Fi is more important than ever.

Wi-Fi sharing is the solution we need to ensure more Americans can stay connected – whether working remotely, distance learning, relying on telehealth or simply staying connected with family and friends.

By improving Wi-Fi performance and relieving network congestion, unlicensed spectrum sharing in the 5.9 and 6 GHz bands will make it easier for people to stay productive and informed and ensure families across the country can count on 5G-level connectivity, regardless of whether they live in a rural community or a big city.

FCC Chairman Ajit Pai’s work to open up much-needed unlicensed spectrum in these critically important times is a step in the right direction. Now is the time to build on this momentum and secure fast, reliable Wi-Fi access for all Americans.

Allowing unlicensed sharing in mid-band spectrum immediately will ensure communities of every size are connected during this crisis, and secure the 5G future for Americans across the country.