Americans use Wi-Fi everywhere – when we need access to reliable, high quality data, Wi-Fi delivers. And Wi-Fi is critical to 5G success.
Licensed 5G will soon be available in large urban areas for mobile applications. But in a 5G world, Wi-Fi will play an increasingly central role in delivering speed and quality for the Internet of Things, for real-time video-rich connections, and as the most important broadband connection within homes, offices, hospitals, and schools — particularly in suburban and rural areas.
To position the U.S. for 5G success, the FCC has proposed that unlicensed services like Wi-Fi share 6 GHz spectrum while protecting existing users. Wi-Fi already has a long history of successful sharing, avoiding interference and maintaining exceptional performance. The FCC’s 6 GHz proposal will offer access to the wide bands of spectrum needed to deliver next generation Wi-Fi and a range of other technologies.
So we strongly support the FCC’s plan to open the 6 GHz band for Wi-Fi sharing now, ensuring 5G-level connectivity is available on Main Street and in Manhattan, for rural families and next generation innovators.